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Channel 4

Five Guys a Week Recap: Kellie from Burnley

Although it started last week, this was my first time watching Five Guys a Week and it was more than I could ever have wished for.

This new “dating show with a twist” was a cross between two of Channel 4’s best reality tv offerings; First Dates and Four in a Bed. The premise sees five single men move in with our singleton for the “week” with one being chosen to leave each morning after breakfast.

This week’s picker was Kellie, a single Mum from Burnley, who – in a dating show rarity – was attractive, intelligent and full of sass. And sporting several cracking tattoos.

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The State: Can you glorify the truth?

The State is exactly what drama should be. A show that raises questions about the world we live in, questions that we may or may not want to answer. Questions that we may not get the answers to; but will make us think, nonetheless.

The journey of those who leave British shores to travel to Syria in the ‘name’ of Islam is something that is debated on an hourly basis.

Despite what certain parts of the mainstream media would have you believe; the story isn’t as simple as a bunch of Muslims wanting to bomb us all because they despise western ways. Nor is it only brown people who make the decision to join ISIS or its variations. Like most things in life, it is far more complicated than that.

Many of the reasons are touched on in the first hour-long episode.

The young London Muslim who feels he is honouring his brother’s memory. The single mother who wants to offer her medical services as the new Islamic State builds itself. The young girl who has never used a communal bathroom and wants to be “a Lioness amongst the Lions”.

I’ve seen lots of comments suggesting that it is glamourising the idea of terrorism, but you rarely see that when the subject matter is rape or any other kind of abuse. Regardless, it doesn’t.

It’s trying to show you why people are making those decisions, and why some believe they are doing the right and noble thing when they make this choice. A choice that often results in them giving up their life.

It’s trying to show us that we cannot truly try to stop radicalisation until we consider the causes of how people are brainwashed in this way.

I don’t have all the answers, sadly none of us do. But maybe The State will help us all start to ask the right questions.

The State is on Channel 4 at 9pm until Wednesday, or it can be found on All4.

The Out-Laws: Guilty Pleasures



If an unfortunate accident were to occur, you’d probably want it to happen to Jean Claude Delcorps. He’s rude, overbearing, casually racist, startlingly cruel and overly sensitive. He makes sport of minimising and belittling his diffident wife in public. 

A painful, protracted death would be sad in the way that all death is sad, but few would argue that the world would be a nicer place without him in it.

Continue reading “The Out-Laws: Guilty Pleasures”

Friday Night Dinner: Situation? Critical


The new series of Friday Night Dinner is trying too hard.

Continue reading “Friday Night Dinner: Situation? Critical”

Coach Trip – Road to Ibiza: 18-30’s on wheels 

Brendan Sheerin and his coach are back, and this time he has a motley crew of Love Island and Big Brother rejects to chaperone on the ‘Road to Ibiza’.

Continue reading “Coach Trip – Road to Ibiza: 18-30’s on wheels “

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